25 Year Anniversary Rwanda Tutsi Genocide
25 year anniversary of the Tutsi Genocide in Rwanda

Many Rwandan families are still coping with the memories and trauma from the Tutsi genocide 25 years ago today. The post-genocide generation is struggling to live with the horrific past as they move forward to a more hopeful future. The impact of the genocide is felt not only by those who initially suffered through it, but has the potential of being a destructive cycle of violence and hate passed on to future generations.

The immediate challenges that Rwandans faced after the genocide included significant loss of life, destruction of property and overwhelming psychological trauma. New challenges have risen up now in this post-genocide era. Survivors have become parents without the example or help from their own parents or extended families, while being profoundly complicated by the psychological trauma from living through genocide.  

I am so proud of Eric Irivuzumugabe who birthed Humura Ministries. Eric is one of the first orphans we met in 2005 on our first trip to Kigali, Rwanda. The Lord had asked us to come along side of Eric and support and love him. Our testimonies together are nothing short of amazing. You can read about them in the book, My Father Maker of the Trees. Eric’s Ministry, supported by a team of orphaned survivors, is working to improve the future of Rwanda and East Africa by ministering to young orphaned parents who are building the next generation. Their aim is to promote substantive healing in order to break the cycle of violence and develop a culture committed to peace and national reconciliation.

The proven path forward to accomplish these goals is to implement a comprehensive strategy that includes encouragement through testimonies and dialogue, teaching parenting skills specifically focusing on how to explain the genocide history to the next generation that promotes healing, and teaching and exposing the destructive ideologies that caused genocide. Sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ is the foundation of the ministry to survivors. These strategies are put into effect as a part of discipleship, built on the foundation of new life in Christ.

Humura Ministries is doing just that. One annual event with enormous impact is their two day training conference for health practitioners and non-profit organization workers that assist survivors. On May 30th and 31st, 2019 local doctors, psychiatrists, pastors, and NGO workers will attend presentations from experts in trauma from Canada and the United States organized by Humura. On June 2nd actual survivors will meet and hear presentations throughout the day from these professionals. They will be given contact information for local sources that will continue this work. Humura Ministries is developing a campus, Rwanda Peace Village, specifically built for the purpose of teaching survivors how to deal with trauma in a healthy way and how to use those healthy tools in their parenting of the next generation.

Douglas and I will be traveling to Kigali on May 28th with Matt Haung to attend this conference. I will be speaking on the third day to the survivors. Please pray that my message will be deeply helpful and impact these young adults with the Gospel of Jesus Christ and the power of the Holy Spirit. Our ministry in Rwanda began with a vision from the Lord in 2004. We again have been hearing from the Lord to plant another church there, Wellspring at the Cross Kigali. We will be meeting with Muberuka Friday Donath and his wife Juliet, with the intention and direction from the Lord to begin this church together.

We are needing to raise $25,000.00 to cover the expenses of the trip and money to support the conference and begin the church in Kigali. All funds will go directly to these endeavors and are tax deductible. Please pray about sewing into this work and donating for it. The impact is so important in this region of the world and in Wisconsin. Please forward this article to your friends who have a heart for orphans, Africa, prophecy, Jesus.

Pure and undefiled religion before God and the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, to keep oneself unspotted from the world. James 1:27

You can make checks payable to:

Wellspring at the Cross (Shouts of Joy Ministries in the memo) and sent to 448 Prospect Street Combined Locks, WI 54113


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