orb on headAngels

by Joie Pirkey (6/22/2006)

When I was very young, as far back as I can remember, I would see what looked like bubbles of bright white light. I can remember different experiences when these things would seem to pop into the room and then float down and rest on people’s heads. I asked my mom to explain what they were, but because she couldn’t see them, she dismissed my questions. Most of the time I ignored them. If a large number, say four or more, came in at once, I would watch to see what they would do. I recall people asking me what I was looking at, but I always changed the subject because if and when I tried to explain what I was seeing, I almost always was dismissed. I would see them inside the house and outside, and in any type of lighting, even in the dark. When I was somewhere around thirteen years old, I began to see them with my eyes closed, as if they were behind my eye lids. These Orbs of light were almost always bright white, but I do recall very few times seeing blue ones. When these Orbs appeared, I never had any emotional response. They simply seemed normal. They were for me, because I had always seen them.


As time passed, and I began to experience other supernatural things, I noticed that these ‘light Orbs’ would increase when the other ‘stuff’ would happen. By other stuff I mean: getting words of knowledge about people, knowing things about places that I had no way of knowing, seeing things others couldn’t see or hear. My sister and some of my friends tried to help me figure out what was happening. We did some research and took note of supernatural things that were on T.V. We came up with a number of explanations for the different ‘abilities’ that I seemed to have, but none of the explanations seemed right, or seemed to explain all of it.

I gave my life to Jesus Christ in the fall of 1981, when I was a senior in high school. One reason that I was so committed, so early in life, was because I had been so aware of supernatural things. I knew without doubt that there was a dark side. I knew also that some of the things that were happening to me were from God. My mom was a Charismatic Catholic, and I went often to the prayer meetings with her. I have, as far back as I can remember, been very intrigued by the things of God.

I began to search the Bible for some understanding, and found that experiences like mine were actually common in the scriptures. I wondered often about the disconnect that I saw in the church today, but found deep solace in the fact that most of the people mentioned in the New Testament had similar things happen to them. When I first got saved, I was good friends with Bob Lenz. He and I would go with Father Mike Carol from the Green Bay Diocese to speak about God december-february-003-1and the saving power of Jesus Christ at a number of confirmation classes and CCD classes. I recall one such time at Saint John School. I was speaking in the old gym and there were at least 300 people there. I don’t remember, but I think it was the confirmation class plus their parents and sponsors. I remember being scared half to death when I saw so many people. In the back of the gym, just as I began sharing, about 10 to 15 of those light Orbs began to drop into the room from the ceiling. Their combined light made the back of the room glow. For some reason that event sticks out as one when a peace came over me, unexpectedly after I noticed them.

As I matured in the things of God and in my understanding and knowledge of the Word of God, the Holy Spirit Himself began to teach me which gift was what and how to appropriately and biblically use them. It was during the vision, when I was healed of the heart damage I had experienced, that the Holy Spirit allowed me to see thousands of the light Orbs come forward and turn into a fully revealed angel. These Orbs looked as they always did. They varied in size and intensity. As they got close to me, they would just sort of emerge into a full figure of a man with extremely large wings. These Angels were dressed in bright white robes, and their wing span was as wide as they were tall. The wings, when down, stood up off their shoulders about a foot. They were magnificent! I was trying to explain them to Douglas, who was sitting beside me during this vision, but all I could say was, “They are so beautiful!” I could barely speak.

dancing-with-angelThree distinct times since that healing vision I had asked, during a vision, what these light orbs were. After that healing vision, I was seeing the ‘light orbs’ almost every day. All three times the Holy Spirit answered, “Angels.”

It was about that time that I was reconnected with an old friend. He and I had attended “Christ the Rock,” when it first began, and both of us lived with Jan and Dave Lenz, the pastor’s parents. He was hearing from the Lord that an unprecedented outpouring of the Holy Spirit was coming to the Fox Valley . When he tried to convey that message to people in Little Chute, they responded by telling him the story of when I had the vision and was healed, so he called me. It was during one of our phone conversations that he told me about a friend of his. He told me that this friend also sees these angels as light orbs, and that when he does, he can take a picture of them and they actually show up on the photo. I thought my friend had lost his mind. He told me to check the pictures on some web site. When I did, I was amazed and very skeptical–amazed because the ‘things’ that I was seeing on the photos were exactly what I see bobbing around in the air, and doubtful because, well, because it was hard to believe.

I was traveling to Eucha, OK to speak at a three day conference the next day. My assistant and I had a plan. While I was speaking and would see the angels come into the church, I would mention it and point. She would snap the shot. We took nearly 25 pictures in this manner and in 24 hours and there were angels on every one. That night was the third vision that God spoke to me about these angels. When the vision began, I asked what the orbs were. For the third time the Holy Spirit answered, “Angels,” but then He added, “When will you stop being ashamed of the signs and wonders?” I couldn’t honestly say. I knew what people would think, and that still mattered to me more than it should. I asked the Holy Spirit if He would prove to me that these things were angels, by not letting anyone on the internet have a viable explanation.

The following day we searched all morning. We found some very interesting hypotheses, but none that made any more sense than their being angels. When the woman we were staying with came into the room that morning, we began to share with her the whole story. Just then angels came into the room. I pointed them out and we got another few pictures, with the ‘orbs’ on them, right where I was pointing.

I am not trying to develop a theology of angels here. I am simply telling my story and showing the evidence that exists. I do believe that these experiences align with scripture, and an orthodox theology of angels. Seeing the angels is a very small and insignificant part of my ministry and spiritual life. I believe that the photos are a sign and wonder. I believe that the foundation and substance of my ministry and spiritual life is Jesus. He has asked me to share the angel stories, and that alone is my motive for doing so. He told me that when I post the pictures and share the testimony that many people who were not saved would come and ask questions. I get numerous hits on my web site everyday from people searching what these orbs of light are and have had hundreds of chances to explain and then minister the gospel. I am always very careful to teach about not worshipping angels as we are warned of in Collisions 2:16-19

16 Let no man therefore judge you in meat, or in drink, or in respect of an holyday, or of the new moon, or of the sabbath days: 17 Which are a shadow of things to come; but the body is of Christ. 18 Let no man beguile you of your reward in a voluntary humility and worshipping of angels, intruding into those things which he hath not seen, vainly puffed up by his fleshly mind, 19 And not holding the Head, from which all the body by joints and bands having nourishment ministered, and knit together, increaseth with the increase of God. 20 Wherefore if ye be dead with Christ from the rudiments of the world, why, as though living in the world, are ye subject to ordinances, 21 (Touch not; taste not; handle not; 22 Which all are to perish with the using;) after the commandments and doctrines of men? 23 Which things have indeed a shew of wisdom in will worship, and humility, and neglecting of the body; not in any honour to the satisfying of the flesh.


In this letter to the Church Paul is encouraging the believers to not use angels as mediators to God. Here is what Mathew Henry writes about this section of scripture in his commentary:

It looked like humility to apply to angels, as if men were conscious of their unworthiness to speak directly to God. But it is not warrantable; it is taking that honour which is due to Christ only, and giving it to a creature. There really was pride in this seeming humility. Those who worship angels, disclaim Christ, who is the only Mediator between God and man. It is an insult to Christ, who is the Head of the church, to use any intercessors but him. When men let go their hold of Christ, they catch at what will stand them in no stead. The body of Christ is a growing body. And true believers cannot live in the fashions of the world. True wisdom is, to keep close to the appointments of the gospel; in entire subjection to Christ, who is the only Head of his church. Self-imposed sufferings and fastings, might have a show of uncommon spirituality and willingness for suffering, but this was not “in any honour” to God. The whole tended, in a wrong manner, to satisfy the carnal mind, by gratifying self-will, self-wisdom, self-righteousness, and contempt of others. The things being such as carry not with them so much as the show of wisdom; or so faint a show that they do the soul no good, and provide not for the satisfying of the flesh. What the Lord has left indifferent, let us regard as such, and leave others to the like freedom; and remembering the passing nature of earthly things, let us seek to glorify God in the use of them.

This practice of using angels to mediate between us and God is quite different from acknowledging them and understanding their function in the spiritual realm.



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12 years ago

You absolutely fascinate me…I already love your site!

12 years ago

I remember taking this picture! What a crazy night.

3 years ago

Wow! I’ve been seeing orbs my entire life, I’ve only been saved just under 3 years. I must admit, yours is the first Christian testimony of seeing these orbs and especially mentioning blue! Often I see them in a cobalt blue (I have seen this same light around objects and parts of peoples bodies since being a child), but also see them in white, orange/red and even black. I’ve been seeing them so much more the past few weeks.
When I’m in prayer, eyes closed, I also often see the same cobalt light pulsating and swirling, and occasionally a bright yellow/green intermingled with it. Whilst at church, as a new Christian, I think I experienced a vision of the heavenlies…it was all in a jasper orange/red…a huge, magnificent, walled palace (the nearest I could describe it) that stretched as far as the eye could see, but was almost cloudy. It was breathtaking!
I’ve had many experiences with seeing colours and orbs, but because I used to be involved in witchcraft, reiki and the occult, I must admit that I shy away from these colours when they begin in case they are of the enemy, especially the black ones.
I’ve spoken to my Pastor and others at church and nobody has ever experienced this. One lady saw a rainbow of colours when she saw through the roof of her house into the heavenlies, but not orbs or anything regularly.
Sorry for the long comment, I’ve just never come across a Christian who has seen these. I’ve pulled away from them because I was never certain whether they were the enemy or not.
Anyway, thank you so much for your testimony and be blessed mightily!

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