Seeing is Believing (Kevin Diaz in Rwanda)

Angels in Rwanda  Angels in Rwanda 2

We just got back from Rwanda this week.  Wow!  What a trip.  Author Tracey Lawrence and her hysterically funny brother Kevin Diaz came with Douglas and I.  We made a lot of memories that’s for sure.  Kevin had a number of questions about seeing the angels so we made plans one night to get pictures.  In the conference center that we were staying in they had a church service on our second night.  There were angels everywhere!  Kevin was so funny as I directed him to point at the ones that I could see.  In a number of the pictures that we took an orange orb appears.  See the picture on the right.

Kevin Diaz joined us on our trip to Rwanda in 2008 and had asked if I saw any angels would I point them out so he could snap some shots.  He had heard about my stories of having folks point at what I could see and then take a photo and he wanted some for himself.  One night after returning to our compound a group of believers had just left the room adjacent to our apartments after an intense time of worship.  Angels were everywhere!  So we ran in and got our cameras and I began to try to direct Kevin here and there pointing at the most brightest orbs of light.  It was actually quite fun and as Kevin saw the photos full of orbs he got more and more excited until we were laughing very hard chasing about in the yard.  A woman walked from one room to another through the court yard and I mentioned to Kevin that we were most likely looking like crazy people to her.  He started to laugh again saying, “Wow those Americans must really love their conference campuses!”  It was weird but it was also amazing.  I don’t know why cameras can catch the orbs of light that I have been seeing with my naked eye since before I was five years old but this new of way saying hey there’s an angel and snapping the shot and showing someone has become such a relief to me.  like see I told ya so.


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17 years ago

Good to see you blogging again! Looking forward to lunch next week and hearing about your trip first hand.

16 years ago

Hi! I was introduced to your wonderful gift by a mutual aquaintance, Christy D. I am really enjoying reading thru your whole site. The prophesies for Chist the Rock church are so interesting! I love the pictures of the orbs too! Do you speak at churches or conferences often? I would love to meet you sometime. You seem facinating! Keep up with the writing… it’s great!

16 years ago
Tracey Lawrence
Tracey Lawrence
16 years ago


I don’t know what is more fun: seeing Kevin chasing orbs or seeing this photo. Anyway, the picture is pretty hysterical. I imagine the angels were getting a big kick out of how welcome they were by my every so cra-ya-z-y brother. He, he. Tracey

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