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Vision about a demon named Inanna. So many are caught by this strong demon, ancient and large, powerful. It is rising up from ancient days because it is being called, it is being worshipped. Being worshipped in the streets.

Vision about Demon Growing in Strength

The Lord began to speak to me tonight while I was switching up tv shows.  I wasn’t praying or seeking He just started talking. He began by telling me about a god named Inanna. I usually don’t mention the names of demons that I hear from the Lord but He instructed me to in this post.
I have never heard of such a demon.
Ishnar or Ishmar He is saying…
He said that so many are caught by this strong demon, ancient and large, (by large I mean powerful), it is rising up from ancient days because it is being called, it is being worshipped. Being worshipped in the streets.
This demon is being worshipped and when I hear these words I see a colorful Pride parade actually going by. I am seeing something that has happened and the Lord just said it is “Boys Town” and that He has shown me this demon before. He is referring to the time we stayed in Chicago and the demon raised up out of the earth and around our apartment that we were staying in when attending a conference in Chicago. It was a  very, very intense experience and if I remember correctly the demon I saw first that night was dressed as a woman. (I’ll look for a post about this night and post it in the comments.)
This demonic power is growing and unchecked and the Lord is calling His people to war against it, to war against the stronghold it has on His people.
Many that are caught are called says the Lord.
I feel a powerful shaking and my face is vibrating as I say this.
Stop worshipping this demon. Speak these words into the spirit/heavens. Prophecy over them and speak the truth.
Say what is so, so that the people know where to go who are searching for the light.


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Craig Doriot

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