Sorry this took so long to write this. Daily life is a bit demanding and blogging time is limited but I thought I’d better get some news out before more news happens 🙂

elias-at-footballFirst thing and most amazing is Elias and his school situation. Douglas tried so hard appealing to the Board at K.I.C.S. (Kigali International Community School), with another request to squeeze Fred into the 7th grade class but to no avail. The cap stuck and they said no. They couldn’t even guarantee a spot next fall for him. So we hired a tutor, ordered books from the U.S., and began to home-school.  He had to read “The Red Badge of Courage” and watch the mini-series “Blue and Grey” in his first week.  On Friday, the day of wonders, Mr. Maxwell phoned Doug and informed us that one girl in the 7th grade requested to be advanced to the 8th and the Board approved!! So, wha lah! Elias has a spot in the 7th grade and begins on Monday. Prayer, big prayer answered. Elias was so happy. He has had difficulty making friends when all he sees is Zeb and the guard.

Also last week I got a call from Johnathan Menn. Some of you from the Valley might know him.  He has a law firm out off 41. He has a ministry in East Africa teaching rural Pastors theology. I have been keeping in touch with him since 2006 when he attended a House of Prayer Breakfast where Pastor Mukwiza spoke. He was just flying out of Kigali so that he would make it home for the Super Bowl and stopped by to wait for his Kigali flight. Well, he brought with him Pastor Theophile Rugubira from Africa Hope Ministries. Pastor Theophile has planted 55 churches in this region and also directs A.H.M.  This ministry reaches out to widows and assists them with microfinancing. He has asked me to come to speak at their joint church prayer meeting and share my testimony of the vision about Rwanda. He also spoke to Douglas about preaching. I am excited to see where this connection will go.

Another big opportunity has opened for Zeb but I am not at liberty to share it~ yet. Keep checking for new postings…

Come to find out I have an office. This is a big surprise! There is a nice place in Douglas’ building and when Alwyn comes I find out more, but this is amazing news.

brendas 245So~ lots happening. All are well and today we are just moping around because we won’t be at anyone’s house for the Super Bowl. The kids are out roasting Marshmallows on the little charcoal grills that MyDear cooks on and Doug is upstairs trying to relax after such a long and grueling work week. Yes, he is drinking his Rwandan coffee and eating all of my chocolate!

Please pray for us. Everything is so different and crazy. Adapting is not the most cheery time for a family of five stuck together for what seems like a never-ending vacation…lol No pool but the weather sure seems vacationy!!!

We need lots of prayer for direction. The needs are many here and our resources are very valuable, so we need to move forward according to the specific direction from the Lord. We need to be led at every step. So please pray about that. Love you all and miss you all so much.


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Theophile Rugubira
Theophile Rugubira
13 years ago

Merry christmas and happy New year2012,l lost your contacts if you can send me your contacts I want to invite you and Douglas at our church.

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