Vision on Saturday, Feb 21, 2009

I was taking some time on Saturday, February 21, 2009 to seek God and pray. During the prayer time He told me a public event was going to happen that would spur an inordinate amount of violence in the United States.


He said, “It would happen twelve twelve.” I didn’t know if He meant a date, or a time, or something symbolic. He said there would be some people, the majority of them would be black, in the big cities that would react by going out rioting: start buildings on fire, loot, and destroy things. I saw in this vision what looked to be a light gray colored brick or like larger than brick, stone, building that could have been a government building being destroyed first by people throwing things at the windows to break in and then setting fire to it.

As these acts occur the media begins to portray them as racially inspired actions. As the rioting continues and the media stirs up the race issue, random acts of violence against white people occur. Even rapes are associated with these outbreaks.

Going Live

Most everyone will be watching footage of these riots and fires and such on television and on the internet. I saw in the vision, almost everyone watching the violence was holding up what looked to be a phone type device as if they were filming the chaos.  I also saw people standing up in a living room, very upset, as they were watching it happen live and yelling things at the t.v.  The Lord was showing me that when people see these things live they have a way more emotional reaction than if they would watch it on the news after the event occurred.  More instant viewable footage will be available of these events than any other incident in the history of mankind.

People will be watching a lot of violence as it occurs.

Militias Retaliate

As things are getting really out of control, groups of white people, the Lord called them “militias”, would begin to go out and find groups of rioting black people and become violent, even killing some. While this is happening, the media continues to stir up the people even inciting more violence.

Eventually, I saw the military get involved, after what seemed to be an extended delay.

I was told young men would get together, looking for opportunities to commit violence against black people, even in small towns across the nation. Murders will happen. This will all be on TV. The chaos will last a month or just short of that. Once the military gets involved it dies down quickly but they institute curfews for a few months afterward.

Mega Churches Falling

The effects on the economy will financially wipe out a number of the immature churches built on the desire for success and not on the will of God. Many mega-churches (citadel churches) are not full of deeply mature people and when they hold back their giving because of the fear of the economy and the unrest, the big churches will not be able to meet their financial debt, and many will fold.

“By the grace God has given me, I laid a foundation as an expert builder, and someone else is building on it. But each one should be careful how he builds. For no one can lay any foundation other than the one already laid, which is Jesus Christ. If any man builds on this foundation using gold, silver, costly stones, wood, hay, or straw, his work will be shown for what it is, because the Day will bring it to light. It will be revealed with fire, and the fire will test the quality of each man’s work. If what he has built survives, he will receive his reward. If it is burned up, he will suffer loss; he himself will be saved, but only as one escaping through the flames.”

Fire Tests Quality 

The sin of the believer is to fear their financial circumstance and thus hold back what the Lord has commanded us to give. God will use this act of fear to clean up the big churches. This is the type of fire that the scripture is speaking about in I Corinthians 3:10-15 By the grace God has given me, I laid a foundation as an expert builder, and someone else is building on it. But each one should be careful how he builds. For no one can lay any foundation other than the one already laid, which is Jesus Christ. If any man builds on this foundation using gold, silver, costly stones, wood, hay or straw, his work will be shown for what it is, because the Day will bring it to light. It will be revealed with fire, and the fire will test the quality of each man’s work. If what he has built survives, he will receive his reward. If it is burned up, he will suffer loss; he himself will be saved, but only as one escaping through the flames.

This time of chaos is coming and we should be ready by having God’s perspective on it. We as the church must continue on in hope, in joy, in love, NOT IN FEAR which is the plan of the enemy.

To fear is to worship.

Do not worship the flesh.

Do not worship the enemy.

Worship gives place to the one worshiped. This is serious for now. God is saying that what we attend to, what we are giving attention to, we are worshiping. If we attend and worry and think about money or the lack thereof, if we fear chaos or turmoil, we are not pleasing the Lord. We are to worship the Lord, especially during this time.

Choose Love!

Do not take sides! Take love! Be aware of the ploy to push you to take a side. Take on LOVE only! Choose love!

Vision from Thursday, March 12, 2009

Fear is Drumming Up

This fear that is drumming up all around us is not from God. Fear of your circumstance is not from God.

Fear of God is from God.

Fear of circumstance is not fear of God.

Fear of wrath is fear of God. But fear of losing your money or having difficult times is of the flesh.

When the 12/12 public event happens people will be already wound up.  Prior to this event, people will be wound tight with fear. Then when this event happens it will be like the straw that breaks the camel’s back. With fear and hate, the demons are being worshiped, so they are “stirred up” and that’s where the looting/rioting comes from.  Some black people will turn on whites and some white people will turn on blacks. By the time of this event, there will be many white people that are hating and waiting and will seize on that moment to act out in violence. This is the plan of the enemy so resist and choose love.


During this time many will pull back even more with their money. Money is not as big of a deal as people are making it. While all this is happening, God will continue to beef up the economy of the true/real/ under His headship Church. He has plans for good from what the devil plans for evil. God is positioning the church to be more powerful than it has ever been in these recent times.

The building in New York that will not burn down. (The building is the one where the street comes together in a triangle and the building is at the point; the building’s face is flat.) In Manhattan. That building will not burn down. It is in Times Square.

We Must Choose Love

We as the church must continue on in hope, in joy, in love, NOT IN FEAR which is the plan of the enemy. To fear is to worship. Do not worship the flesh. Do not worship the enemy. Worship gives place to the one worshiped. This is serious and for now. God is saying that what we attend to, what we are giving attention to, we are worshiping. If we attend and worry and think about money or the lack there of, if we fear chaos, or turmoil, we are not pleasing the Lord. Do not take sides! Take love! Be aware of the ploy to push you to take a side. Take on LOVE only!

Choose Peace

Speak peace.

As you live peace.

As you have peace.

As you stand on peace.

Always know that He who has begun a good work will perform it.

Another time is brewing
There within your midst
Sound the alarm
Blow the trumpet
Begin to prepare to resist

Take up your strong arm
Mighty church
And wield your mighty blow
Or once again the world will weep
But this time in the snow.


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15 years ago

I was literally shocked at what you say God gave you for a prophecy for America. I wouldn’t want to be standing clost to you , anywhere near you. I am prophecying that if you are to keep believing this is of God, your will DEFINITELT lost what you think is your ministry. God WOULD NEVER single out groups like this in a prophecy!!!!!!!!!! Just your sendinhg out to people could and probably will harm many people!!!!!!!!!!! Mark my words, this is NOT OF GOD and I don’t care who you are or what kind of prophet even this Wilkerson thinks he is. Both of you are treading on thin ice with saying this is of God. I want NOTHING more t6o do with ANY of your newsletters and can’t get off your mailing list because I do nopt have MSM!!!!!!!! How you EVER got my email in the first place had to be none of your business as I don’t even know who you are but i believe I know how you stole my email address from me going to a conference at a church in Neenah!!!!!!!!!! That doesn’t give you or that church the right to give out my email address!!!!!!!!! I would be VERY careful if I were you calling yourself a Christian!!!!!!!! You can’t begin to know what damage you have already done to my husband, who is a native African and black, and all my African and African American friends and all this rascist garbage you are calling Prophecy from God!!!!!!!!!!!!! You need to truly seek repentence!!!!!!!!!!! Mark MY words!!!!!!!!!!! and God’s!!!!!!!!!!! You have no idea what Prophecy even is appaerntly!!!!!!!!!!

15 years ago

As a close and personal friend of Joie, I support her 100%. And I’m proud to be standing beside her and her ministry. The comments from Jane are totally out of line. As a believer and a Christian you/we need to discern what is being said and pray out it before just lashing out. The words from God is what she was told to deliver. And it’s up to indivuals to decide what they believe. If you dont believe it that’s your right, but to lash out without facts are truly Unchristian. As an African American, I was aware of this phophecy and I truly believe it. And to address Joie as a racist you are as far wrong as the east is from the west. If you’d taken the time to research her ministry you would have learn how much she has given to people locally as well to the country of Rwanda. I’ve accompanied Joie twice last year to Rwanda to help aid genocide survivors and widows. Along with serving orphans. She isn’t a racist at all! Read Habakkuk 1 verse 5, and open your mind to all and any posibility God could and would use to straight out our country. Last year we elected the first Black president, and believe me some people weren’t happy, and the underlying tension of racism still exsist. Even in some churches today it still resides. The phophecy talks of not choosing racial side but God’s side of love.. This will be a time when churches will need to stand up and truly follow God. That two wrongs dont make a right. To stand on his word,of loving, and living by his words, instead of being tempted by the devil and start pointing fingers.. We as believers will know we’re of one God and of one blood. Next,is up to you. As for me? Joshua 24:15

15 years ago

To Jane:
You must have misunderstood what was written. I do not understand how you can think that what I wrote is racist. I believe what God is saying here is to get any bit of racism out of people’s hearts now before it becomes part of the upcoming problem.

About the email address, at the conferences, which our ministry sponsored and actually began, which were hosted at Valley Harvest in Neenah, we had a sign up sheet for email addresses and you must have signed up.

If you are willing to chat about what you think I am prophesying I am more than willing to discuss it with you. I think it will be helpful to go over some of it so that at least you can be sure that what you are assuming is correct, regarding how you are interpreting what the content of the message is.

Either way I can see that you are very upset and for that I’ll pray.

I do think it is important for me to point something out about what you have written here, if you are in fact actually prophesying as you say that you are, I am wondering where the love is? It says in Corinthians that prophesy with out love is a clanging cymbal. I realize that when things hit us that we don’t believe, it can be very aggravating, even madding and our first response is easily one of anger, however especially when you say that you are prophesying love needs to be all over it. Take in mind what I sent. If you believe theologically that prophesy is simply speaking things/blessings into existence, as some are apt to believe, then I can see how you would interpret what wrote as racist. However, that belief is simply bad hermeneutics, bad Biblical teaching. If a person believes, as I do that prophesy can also be forth telling then to share upcoming events that are bad and asking the church to prepare for them is in effect loving as Agabus did in the book of Acts. He prophesied a famine and the church sent food to Judea that saved the church there when the famine actually came. In the same way of thinking that you may have here, Agabus would be in sin by cursing the church in Judea saying they would be having a famine. But that is not the case. He is warning them, and because of that, saving many. He is loving them enough to warn them about bad things, even though many may become afraid.

I hope this clears some of what you are misunderstanding up.

15 years ago

Through much prayer the last couple of weeks I believe Joie and David are both right, although the timing is still in question. I know something is happening in June, but that may be for me personally. However, when praying about the trouble to come that we have been discussing, I only have heard “Great destruction. It will not come near your tent.” I do live in a small town where the races live mostly in separate areas, but we have not had any problems getting along. I pray this continues for all our sakes.

John Sheridan
John Sheridan
15 years ago

You are of a group called, “Watchmen.” We are passionate about the integrity of god’s word and don’t hold to the “pharisee’s” chatter about christianity. Your prohpecy and timing are correct. We are on the “precipice of eternity,” as it is the time of the end.

I have been classified as “legalistic,” a “heretic” and not speaking in “love.” Love isn’t an emotion and isn’t all warm and fuzzy. There are times of loving kindness, (mercy), but these days, in this time… there is a prophetic voice of warning of the coming calamity.

1.) All prophecies in Scripture are culminating NOW.
2.) The “church” in America has preached a damning message of a cheap ‘n easy grace and an emotional based love.
3.) God is and has been Love from the very beginning. The Gospel is offensive to the flesh. But it is better to fall on the Rock of offence, than to have the Rock fall on us and crush us.
4.) Western Christian mentality has bred a laodicean people who are convinced they are in need of nothing.
5.) Because of this, most people, even those who live impeccable and moral lives, are not going to make it into the “Joy of Yahweh.”

All those “naysayers” who rail against what you say, will repent, hopefully, when calamity hits. Billy Graham said, “if god does not judge America for its many sins, He will have to apologize to Sodom and Gomorrah. This nation is far more abominable than they.

I have been told in my spirit that this nation, and subsequently the world, will be judged soon. but in that, the church, being a very worldly, Babylonian bastardization of the truth will receive the judgment from this nations sins.

God told me this: being lukewarm is believing one has salvation, when in fact they’re blind, wretched and naked. In the book of Revelations, The “Angel if the Lord” called out to the Church,

Rev 18:4 “Come out of her, my people, that ye have not fellowship in her sins, and that ye do not receive of her plagues:
5 for her sins have been heaped on one another up to the heaven, and God has remembered her unrighteousnesses.

The church has been a long time partaker of the sins of Babylon and was given a last chance to get out of her. THIS IS THE CALL THAT IS GIVEN NOW.

I am very familiar with David Wilkerson and love him and God’s ministry through him. I was told by several “pastors” that you cannot live on a steady diet of preachers like him. HA!! He is a Pastor!! many people submit to his leadership, including me. The reason Rev. Wilkerson is not poplar in the U.S. is the “laodicean factor.”

Thank you for your site and you words. I am with you.

peggy rickard
peggy rickard
14 years ago

just found this site-want to be part of it.

Yvette Shadwell Goggin
Yvette Shadwell Goggin
14 years ago

Wonderful words.

13 years ago

I have recently been made aware that the technology that I saw being used in the vision posted above is now actually available. Here is one statement I alluded to what the Lord had shown me:

“Everyone will be watching footage of these riots and fires and such on television and the internet. More instant viewable footage will be available of these events than any other incident in the history of mankind. People will be watching a lot of violence as it occurs.”

In one vision I saw a college age white girl holding her cell phone up as if she were recording a man throwing a burning barrel into a window. This video she was taking was going somehow directly online and news stations were getting the feed from the internet and showing it on the news as the event occurred. This had been a significant part of the preparations for these events because we knew that the riots would not begin until the technology caught up. When I say we I am referring to Elvin Blair and I. We had discussed a number of times when we thought these events would actually occur and we continued to refer to the technology being something common enough that a number of of young adults would have this ability to video things as they occurred.

I received this in an email last night from a friend:

“The new technology to broadcast over the internet from your smartphones is still in early stages, but it was amazingly simple to setup and actually pretty cool. The site / app can be found at or search for “ustream”. It took me about 10 minutes to get up and running from scratch. The movements seem a mix of college kids (who are pretty tech savvy), liberals, and street people. So, if you go to and search for “occupy”, you can find kids in a lot of different cities that are streaming content live. Last night, I saw some of the Occupy DC live, where the police were tearing down their makeshift building structure, and “David” led the cops on a chase of sorts. This drew a lot of attention, and the feed was even picked up by ABC news. This live streaming is actually kind of neat in that people are blogging about it and interacting with the broadcaster as the event goes on, so I’ve actually engaged some of them a few times. One blogger voiced their call to power as “we are legion”.

Another comment I have is that after just rereading this post I find the trouble in Somalia to be interesting.

11 years ago

“Prophecies for America « Joiepirkey’s Weblog” ended up being a good read and therefore I ended up being pretty happy to come across the blog. Thank you-Stevie

11 years ago

You commented that it begins in December. We’re you possibly seeing December of a different year, or was that part delayed by God in some way. I don’t recall anything happening in December of 2009.

10 years ago

I have read the comments from Jane but I am not happy because he uses bad words,In God’s word we must be careful.

Craig Doriot
Craig Doriot
10 years ago

For those checking in from the Ferguson protests, please understand that Ferguson in not the “12 12” prophecy itself. The “12 12” prophecy specificies that tension will already be ready to boil over between blacks and whites, and that this “12 12” event is what fully ignites it.

10 years ago

Is it possible that the 1212 date could have been ISIS instead? The Islamic state is dressed in all black and is now making threats on civilians on our soil. It could cause racial problems among the American Muslims.

Just a thought.

Art Gibson
Art Gibson
10 years ago

12 12 is the time I think they will not call for a jury over Ferguson.They will call for the officer to be not guilty.

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