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August 8, 2007

Revival in Rwanda

I was lying in bed this morning and this guy from Rwanda keeps popping into my thoughts. It’s as if I have to try to not think about him like an addiction, for the past week or so. Weird thing is I don’t even know this guy and cannot even actually remember his name. He signed up for my Face book friends just over a week ago. He is from Rwanda and got my Face book info from a Rwanda group I just joined. So as I was praying he popped up again. So I asked the Lord “why does he keep coming to mind”? And whammy! The Lord begins to give me a message for Rwanda.

“REVIVAL is coming!!! Revival has already begun to spread!!! Vengeance is mine says the Lord and I will repay evil with light. I will spread my kingdom upon these hills far greater than the revival in the past. I will pour out overflow upon this land. I have heard the cry of my people. The Devil who is your enemy has had a day but principalities of darkness lie down and are bound and my kingdom will spread across this land. One by one I will revive them. From the hills will come great shouts of Joy and they will go out with praise and be lead forth with peace and the mountains and the hills will break forth before them! Tell the people that revival is upon them once again far greater than the former days and I will have My Way. It is time to tell them in the streets, the church has heard this word and now it is time to tell my brothers in the streets. Revival is upon us! Break forth with singing! For the Lord your God rejoices over you with Great shouts of Joy!”

I asked the Lord then is there something that you can tell me to tell them that will happen in the near future so that they believe that this word is from you and take heed to it and go out into the streets, but He answered me and told me that they already believe.


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17 years ago

I love the blog! I am excited. I will add your blog as a link to both of my blogs, and church website.

Blessings in the Lord,

Pastor K.

Faustin Uzabakiliho
Faustin Uzabakiliho
17 years ago

This is exciting.It is a confirmation of the words that the Lord told us as we were praying in 1994 when the Lord told us that He would was going to pour revival in the land. The way I heard it, I felt like it is something that my mind can’t even try to explain. I have been praying like Simeon to live enough until I see those days. I know it’s already happening, but I think that what we see is drop in the sea. More is yet to come.

“I have indeed seen the misery of my people in Egypt. I have heard them crying out because of their slave drivers, and I am concerned about their suffering.”(Exodus 3:7)

Faustin Uzabakiliho

Faustin U.
Faustin U.
17 years ago

I am still thinking about the prophecy on the Rwandan Revival. As I said before, it’s not my first time to hear about it. The question is not even whether it will come to pass or not. I know it will, because God said it many times. The question I have is what does God want us (the church) to do with this upcoming revival? and how is it going to be managed to have a more lasting impact? In the past , there have been revivals in England and Western Europe, in US (Azusa Street) and even in East Africa. But what makes me being concerned is that those revivals came and went. Today there is not even a trace about those revivals.

Faustin U.
Faustin U.
17 years ago


How do you personally interpret that prophecy?

Faustin U.

17 years ago

I think the prophesy speaks for itself. Revival is already on it’s way in Rwanda and the church needs to get out on the streets and tell folks that it is coming!!!!

17 years ago

I wish to cook food.

R Owen
R Owen
16 years ago

As im reading this im totally amazed. Through a series of events this morning i have arrived at this page, at this particular prophesy, i know its not a coincedence.
Earlier this year i was listening to the CD by Israel Houghton and New Breed, Titled live in South Africa. I believe that was a prophetic album, Israel says a lot of prophetic things about Africa. While i was listening to it, beteween 12.30 and 12.45pm the Spirit of The Lord came upon me for intercesson over the land of Africa. A great weeping came out of my innermost being and a great pain for the souls of the people, and a pleading to The Lord not to forget them.
After that i felt the holy Spirit saying to me this-

There WILL be streams in the desert, and i WILL turn their mourning into dancing.There WILL be sounds of joy and dancing in the streets. Is anything too hard for ME? My arm is not too short to save, i have opened my hand and none can reverse it. I will do what i have told you in secret, a mighty outpouring of my mercy. I have heard the cries of my people in the desert,My arm is not too short to save, and when i act, who can reverse it?
I The Soverign Lord have Spoken.I will smile upon their land, no longer will it be called cursed, a byword, but Beulah-beautiful.
A wave of Living water of My Spirit will flow across the land.I am Merciful. This is my word. I proclaim it to you. What i have said to you i will do. None can withstand me, against My uplifted hand.I will have mercy on whom i will have mercy.
I have seen the witchcraft and the bloodshed.
I will act.
I will have mercy.
My name is great.

After this i felt that this is the time for mercy.His heart is so big, and full of mercy,and is so soft and tender towards the nation.He hears all the cries of the needy, the mothers of the children, crying out to Him. Now is the time He has chosen to act.
What a great God we have. Mighty is His name.
He would not stay angry forever.
Streams in the desert. Mercy overflowing.
Water everywhere, water of the Holy Spirit. Mercy, tenderness, power, revival. A turning of the nation as a whole back to God.
This was between August and September 2007.
I havent had anything like this before. DO you think its from the Lord Joie?
R Owen.

16 years ago

YES I can totally feel my spirit recieving these words! Many times the Lord has spoken to me Isaiah 35 for Rwanda and her ministers. Many of the same verbage is in what you wrote here. God’s eye is on Rwanda and He also told me that the U.S. would become very interested in Rwanda in these next few years. He told me this while I was preaching at the Restoration Church in Kigali in December of 2006. Now we see Rwanda on American Idol, Oprah, Books and Movies, even Paris Hilton is on her way there. Please join us as we pray for restoration and revival in Rwanda!!!

N. Gilbert
N. Gilbert
16 years ago

The way it sounds the words by R Owen are totally prophetic,so much about this land has been said although people who were shown or who received these words from the holy spirit may not have felt it and therefore let it go untold!
I kept thinking of the prophecy about the Rwanda revival,this lord land has always had hard times in the past ,by quoting Joe’s words :God’s eye is on Rwanda, and that’s right,I myself have always lived in this land of a thousand hills I saw it growing year by year and it has never been better! there’s so much that people should learn,I agree that the church has to tell it to people;”the revival”
We children of God should unite in peace,love and harmony as we are all humankind.

R Owen
R Owen
16 years ago

On 30th Oct,i recieved this, i believe its for the nation of Africa;

Isaiah 9:2

The people walking in darkness have seen a great light;
on those living in the land of the shadow of death a light
has dawned.

Isaiah 12:2

The LORD, the LORD is my strength and my song;
he has become my salvation. With joy you will draw water from the wells of salvation.

Isaiah 14:3
How the oppressor has come to an end! How his fury has ended! The LORD has broken rod of the wicked, the scepter of the rulers, which in anger struck down peoples with unceasing blows, and in fury subdued nations with relentless aggression.

Leo Mana
Leo Mana
16 years ago

Where do you when you are in Rwanda Joie? I am surprised we have not met before…
Pastor, Zion Temple Celebration Center, Atlanta

Leo Mana
Leo Mana
16 years ago

I mean, Where do you go when you are in Rwanda Joie? I am surprised we have not met before…
Pastor, Zion Temple Celebration Center, Atlanta

Jerry Bowers
Jerry Bowers
12 years ago

Joie, My wife Margie and I are being called to ask Nations to pray for a Harvest by praying for each other in 2012 while Enthroning Christ in the Nations. We have a web site with the dates to pray for the nations during the year. Every nation on earth can be prayed for by praying for 4 or 5 at a time weekly.
We want to get the word out into these nations and have them join in praying for other nations.
Can you help. See the web site: The Lord gave us the following vision:

While in prayer on Dec 12, 2011 praying for Africa I had a vision of Africans coming to a threshing floor. They were leaving carrying bags full of wheat on their backs. I could see that the wheat was glowing. They each went back to their towns and villages. I could see people in villages that were emaciated and starving. They were bent over with weariness. When they took and ate the wheat they were immediately strengthened and stood up. They began to worship the Lord with their hands lifted heavenward shouting to the Lord. I could see many flags from different nations waving in praise. The Lord told me he was going to send forth rain upon them and break the drought in the land.
Later in prayer with my wife she saw wells in the land. Little children who were skinny were coming to drink the water and were filled. They then took the water in buckets back to their villages. They gave it to the elders and old people in the villages. Immediately they were strengthened and became as warriors. I saw a child in their midst with a Bible began to preach. He said to them, “This is what the Lord says, ‘I am coming to open the wells of salvation and heal my people’.”
I had a sense that God is going to use the youth in the land to preach and bring a message of healing to the people of Africa. They will bring living water from the wells of salvation that God gives them.

12 years ago

yes…a prayer not only in Rwanda, but all of the African continent….the AIDS orphans, street children, and orphans of genocide….if ministered to and cared for by Christians, can become the building blocks of a wonderful society.

Faustin Uzabakiliho
Faustin Uzabakiliho
17 years ago

This is exciting.It is a confirmation of the words that the Lord told us as we were praying in 1994 when the Lord told us that He would was going to pour revival in the land. The way I heard it, I felt like it is something that my mind can’t even try to explain. I have been praying like Simeon to live enough until I see those days. I know it’s already happening, but I think that what we see is drop in the sea. More is yet to come.

“I have indeed seen the misery of my people in Egypt. I have heard them crying out because of their slave drivers, and I am concerned about their suffering.”(Exodus 3:7)

Faustin Uzabakiliho

pastor ndayisaba onesmo
pastor ndayisaba onesmo
10 years ago

Evangelism and church growth are at the heart of Assemblies of God RWABUTAZI’s purpose. or major target is to bring people to faith in Christ, starting churches, and bringing new believers to back to God.
Church planting begins with evangelism: sharing God’s Word in villages and towns, to business people, students, and prisoners of different crimes in remote villages to people cut off from the rest of the world and the Gospel.This is our vision. we need you. pray with us.

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