For the life of me, I cannot find an ice tray in Kigali. So I have gone far and wide seeking the plastic tray for the divine rock of frozen delight that lights up my Diet Coke and puts everything into perspective. But, no luck. So I have resorted to filling any bag I can find, tossing it into the freezer, and cracking up its frozen content for an icy swig! Tonight it was made in a rice bag. Worked well I must say.

Yesterday I had Mydear and Claire put their heads into the tiny freezer that we have in our kitchen to get a sense of how cold it gets in Wisconsin.  We tried to explain that the entire world is frozen but they thought it wasn’t possible because people would die.  That led to numerous conversations about heat machines in houses and cars, how heavy snow is once it falls, how cars can drive a crossed an icy lake, if every animal dies from cold, and so on.

After our two-hour, icy-cold conversation, Douglas popped in a movie and made us some popcorn and one icy Diet Coke and we have a movie night! A luxury I can tell you.

Sophie has been invited to a slumber party at the Pastor’s house. He has a daughter named Sophia who approached my Sophie on her first day at church and was simply lovely! She also went to a basketball game at Green Hills where President Kigami’s kids attend. Sophie had to go through a metal detector to get in and when she cheered too loud, guards asked her to calm down! She was miffed. LOL.


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14 years ago

How’d you pop your popcorn?

I got my popcorn popper out a couple of weeks ago to pop some. Remember several Christmases ago I gave my nieces one, or was it y’all?

Here it is five o’clock and I haven’t used that dust cloth or vac yet! And the girls coming tomorrow!


Douglas Pirkey
Douglas Pirkey
13 years ago
Reply to  TT

Love you Moma!

14 years ago

He used the weirdest looking aluminum kettle. It has a thin plate looking lid. We have oil and brought the corn. Doug can make magic with any food and with any kisses. 🙂 Just sayin’

14 years ago

I am glad you were ableto have a movie night with popcorn no less. We watched a movie last night too with pizza.

We are headed to our neighbors annual oyster roast tonight. It is always lots of fun and tonight should be no exception.

Planning on tennis tomorrow.

Douglas Pirkey
Douglas Pirkey
14 years ago
Reply to  Mp

We are settling finally, beginning to at least. The presence of us all together is very helpful.

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