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On April 16th Easter night I was lying beside my husband when a vision began. I saw the Holy Spirit in the form of a dove and He was flying out in front of me in a night sky. After asking Him about my pastor and Jeff Jansen, I asked what I should speak about on Thursday night. A pulse of energy went out of Him. He turned towards me and in an audible voice said, “JESUS IS THE LIGHT OF THE WORLD!” Then He said, “Jesus is the Dawn”. He had recently said those same words to me, Jesus is the Dawn.As I absorbed the impact of those words, I asked, “Can I see Him?”

I had just been reading Matthew 5 before Douglas came to bed, and stopped at, “Ask and you shall receive.” So I thought I’d asked.

Lion-Of-JudahImmediately the Holy Spirit was gone and I saw something move closer to me from a distance. I could feel His presence before I could see Him. Then just in front of me, covering my entire span of vision was the face of a lion. It was simply looking at me. Its eyes were blinking. I began to struggle for breath. My heart was beating quickly. He moved so close to my face that I couldn’t see much of Him. “Why do you look like a Lion?” I asked. He said, “That’s the only way you could take me.” I knew that He was referring to how I was struggling to calm down because I was responding physically because the emotional impact was intense.

My legs began to shake. My pinky and ring finger on my right hand also began to jump. I noticed that the two next fingers were not moving at all and I wondered why that was happening.

He moved closer. “Move back. I can’t see you,” I said. He said, “I’m going to come in closer.” He slowly placed His forehead onto mine. As I began the almost excruciatingly emotional process of realizing that His actual face was on my face, I began to literally gasp for air and the shaking became what a small seizure would be like.

While I was trying to settle down He said, “Blessed are those who are pure in heart, for they shall see God”. I answered this by saying that my heart was not pure. He dismissed this and said, “I say that your heart is pure in this.” “Why are you telling me this?” I asked. His reply was because I will need to know, in the near future, that He says that my heart is pure. I understood Him to be referring to something that will happen where my motives or integrity are in question. I began weeping because of the emotional impact, the freedom, which I felt from this reassurance.

As time passed I was finding it more and more difficult to handle, physically, what was happening. My right arm began to tingle and go numb. My entire face began to vibrate and feel as if it wasn’t getting enough oxygen. Everything below my stomach was practically seizing.

“Are you able to handle this?” He was making me aware that I would need to tell Him when I couldn’t handle it anymore. As if He was leaving it up to me to say when. I said, “I can take it, please don’t leave.” He didn’t respond.

After a moment He said “Feel this? Feel this?” He was pressing His face to my forehead, and I could feel what a horse snout feels like, on my forehead and nose. The rest of my face was tingling. He was showing me that I was feeling this physically to help me believe it after it was over.

“Why are you doing this?” I asked.

“Because you asked,” He replied.

It got to be too much then and I said that I couldn’t take anymore. He moved off of me a few feet and His image faded. He told me to tell Douglas then what was happening. Doug was becoming frightened because I was being so affected physically. When I finished telling Douglas, Jesus, in the form of the face of a Lion, said, “Now you see through a glass darkly, but soon you will see me face to face.” He emphasized the word ‘to’, implying that the text in ! Cor. 13 actually meant that when we see Him face to face He will actually place His forehead upon ours, face TO face.

This intimate image of affection and love will be forever deeply important to me.


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10 years ago

If you recall, in Rwanda, affection is expressed by one coming to another, face to face, touching their forehead to the other’s. I’ll never forget that night in Nyarutarama in 2005 when the soldier at the restaurant did that to me as he was leaving. It is a mercy that the Lord did to you that night of the vision.

james griego
james griego
9 years ago
Reply to  Douglas

i was at teen challenge in denver, when i heard a voice come from my chest “HE IS COMING” that was on 10-15-2009 a week later the Lion of judha came in all His majesty. time turned in to two lions that turned to Jesus face. the left part of His check was the color gray becuse only when He returns will the face be complete. The image burns in my mind 24-7 at the end of my vision i burped up a word “Mustafa” dont know where it came from. I have ?s pleaes contact me if you feel that you could answer ? that I have. God bless

10 years ago

I am witness to the jealous Lion of Judah. I haven’t told anyone. I would like to believe you. Jesus as the lion also put his face opon mine. I rubbed my face with him. He sat me down like I was a child and proudly marched around me, protecting me, and demonstrating his magnificent love. No one could ever escape it was magnificent. I was witness to Jehovah. Before Jesus, my life was in megga trial but God told me I’m strong enough. I’m letting you know this if you are true you are to be with me after death in the tribe of Judah. I have trouble expressing the magnificence of my visions. They are more than visions ~ they are the physical embodiment of the Holy Spirit and I fear shareing them with Christians, only to be judged. I have nothing to prove to any man. Im under a lot of pressure in my life. I hope you feel easier knowing your not alone.

Terry Schenk
Terry Schenk
4 years ago
Reply to  Dean

I want to forward a couple of photos that I and my brother had taken during his I don’t know how else to describe it his trials! One is also what I would say is the face of a lion however I have a few that are much more sinister looking. My brother commited suicide a few years ago as a result of these hauntings and I would like to know if anyone could shed light on these images. Please let me know if you are willing to see the photos. Thank You

Qween Mercy
Qween Mercy
4 months ago
Reply to  Dean

I relate well with this daily.

Tony flawless Gonzalez
Tony flawless Gonzalez
7 years ago
Reply to  Joie Pirkey

Well, I personally found this because a similar thing happened except I didn’t know what to think. I wish I would’ve asked questions. I just touched him with my left hand. He felt like pure silk, though you could tell nothing could harm him. I was just laying there scared to move. With him laying on me non restricting and face to face. Too close to get a good look. After he was gone. My left arm felt like it grew 5 times it’s thickness and felt powerful. This happened with a two day fast, and a 5 hour silent meditation. If you knew me , 5 hours of silence is an eternity for me. God is good. Praise Jesus,

Now I want to go by Tony “Flawless” Gonzalez. At least aim for perfection. All things are possible with God.

Carrie R
Carrie R
6 years ago
Reply to  Joie Pirkey

I found this because I was praying tonight for God to show me anything he wanted he to see or know. I had been laying on my bed with eyes closed for quite some time.. like just looking into the darkness when I saw faintly the face of a lion right in front of me, like so close the lion was looking right into my eyes first all I could see was the eye ALLO genes with my left eye but then could tell it was a lion. it was intense but didn’t frighten me.. then the lion backed up to where I could see his entire body and he seemed majestic and calm and kept looking right at me and then slowly walked away.. this is amazing others have seen the same thing!

Karen Wells
Karen Wells
10 years ago

Hello Joi,

I found your article after googling Lion of Judah. I took some photos on May 21 and an image or renditiono of a Lion was captured in one of the photos.

In my bedroom on May 21 2013, I took pictures with my cell phone of my dog around 1:00 am after placing a throw over him because I thought it was cute. He was lying under it so peaceful; not trying to move it away.

The next day I looked at it, and I saw an image of a man who looked like his hair was back in a ponytail with a tie and shirt on. His head was perfectly set in my dog’s bed and the throw which made up His shirt and tie. Amazing!

I noticed in another shot a photo with several images, a Man with a Jewish nose rooted into His beard which also had an image of another face. After thinking and praying about it, later that week I received confirmation by noticing a small image on his shoulder of a figure that looks like Mother Mary with her head positioned as we see it in paintings.

One of my clients spotted the crown in photo as an image above His head. On a different date, my brother said, I’m looking at this lion with a crown above the Man’s head. Wow! The images are real.

I’ve had the photos copyrighted and have some ministry plans with them. I know this photo will bring many people around the world to Jesus and closer. He’s real!

Prophetess Karen Wells

10 years ago

I replied cause you sound honest and jesous the lion of Judah did come to me face to face the same kind of way but I was outside I used to sit on my roof wen my wife and I ever argue I hate arguments jesous came to me in the clearest star lit night while I was relaxing on my roof having the word of god and a vision happen to me is hard to understand why haven’t everyone else become awear I don’t know anything wats to happen

10 years ago

Thank you for sharing this. During a meditation last evening on Winter Solstice the Lion came to me and put his face to mine, cheek to cheek, forehead to forehead. It was very loving and I felt encouragement and strength. He showed me he was chained and I helped release the chain as I felt that was what he wanted. I was very confused as to who and why this came to me. I later looked on the internet and found your post. Any more information would be really helpful

10 years ago

I had a dream a few nights ago. I was in a classroom like setting and there were other ‘children’ there. I am 21 but for some reason I felt like I was a small child. It was as if we were being ready to be taught a lesson. There was a slight mumble and buzz in the room like any usual classroom would have. Everyone in the room was wearing white robes. There was a door to our right, and unexpectedly it opened and through it, a man wearing pure white with a large face of a Lion walked in. As soon as He walked in the whole room was overwhelmed by His presence. The whole room started to speak in tongues and we all fell to the floor because we felt unworthy to even stand. He stood there for a while and His majestic Lion face wasn’t scary at all, it was giving us a feeling of peace. He approached one of the girls in the room, and as He approached her, she couldn’t handle it, physically. He then asked her: ” where do you want to go?” She couldn’t answer because she was so overwhelmed by His Presence. I don’t know why but the rest of the ‘class’ kept shouting ‘Paris’ I still don’t know what that meant. And at that moment, He told me as if with a smile on His face “Ask, and you shall receive”.

10 years ago

very good

Kathleen Espersen
Kathleen Espersen
9 years ago

I used to be so close to Jesus, now I feel so far away, I miss the relationship we had…I want to be face-to-face with my Lord. Prayers requested. I have been called to Rwanda, finding your site was not pure luck, but devine intervention. I am a missions pastor from LCO Wisconsin. Please send me an email, subject Lion of Judah… I need to know more. God bless you!!!

Child of Christ
Child of Christ
9 years ago

I was deep into praying to the lord all day, that night as I said my prayers and was about to go to sleep I had a vision in my left eye, as my eyes were closed, it looked as if there was a red amber colored laser beam drawing something as i looked on it drew a complete lion with the eyes and everything, then dissapeared after a second! What does this mean?

7 years ago

This sorta happened to me also. I was laying down with my eyes closed and suddenly I began to see just the head of a white lion looking at me. No words, just looking. But then faded. I also on a different occasion saw the full body of a lion laying on the floor beside me. I have also seen an angel praying beside my bed.

sarah markantonis
sarah markantonis
9 years ago


9 years ago

Hello I also had a vision of the Lion of Judah …..I always have a lot of dreams and visions….I don’t share them because when I did I saw a lot of Christians getting jealous…….I came to this website because I put the words (on Google) “what does it mean to see the Lion of Judah” Blessings to all

Patrick s underwood
Patrick s underwood
8 years ago

I have a photogragh i took on my phone of a lion head with jesus face underneath smiling and the throne room of god and the city of god you can see the buildings their all gold and the scroll with the seven seals on february eighth at nite the holy spirit told me to go outside i seen a lite above the house next door i started takeing pitcures its incredible i see jesus face every morning with a lion head above his face and the city of god and the throne room and many more why did god choose me.

Patrick s underwood
Patrick s underwood
8 years ago

Why did god choose me

8 years ago

I used to be so close to Jesus, now I feel so far away, I miss the relationship we had…I want to be face-to-face with my Lord. Prayers requested. I have been called to Rwanda, finding your site was not pure luck, but devine intervention. I am a missions pastor from LCO Wisconsin. Please send me an email, subject Lion of Judah… I need to know more. God bless you!!!

Liana Wagnon
Liana Wagnon
7 years ago

I dream of white Elder White Lions…. One of them are to weak to fully join the circle…. I’m in the center of all…. They are protecting Me…. I’m Weak…. I must be right…. Strong…. Human Healthy…. That’s been my dream for a Reason I don’t know at this time why…. Curious

7 years ago

I Google vision of lions paw in worship.
Ur vision is beautiful.when I read I will see you face to face…I began to worship in my room and lift my hands saying yes soooo I will see u face to face it’s gonna be worth it all!

Teresa Melton
Teresa Melton
7 years ago

I had a dream a few nights ago…A man came up to me and said “The lion and the tribe of Judah” and then I awakened…I’m seeking healing and I just fought cancer.. I wish I could understand what the man was trying to tell me..

3 years ago
Reply to  Joie Pirkey

I saw Jesus face last night I got scared it was a lion face I had a vision when I open my eyes then I saw him my heart was beating so fast

Patricia Iwanicki
Patricia Iwanicki
7 years ago

This was beautiful. Thank you. I just had a dream last night where my husband and i were taken to heaven but instead of it being filled with light it was dark, like night, but there were two mountain peaks, and God’s face rose out of it, and when it did, his face looked like a lion. It was amazing, but we did have to struggle to both get there, and be there, but when we did, we got to see that. I guess there is going to be a struggle in the near future…but God is saying He will be with us like a lion and we need not fear. There was more to the dream but I think this is all God wants me to say about that in this forum. Thank you for sharing and posting. This is ministering to me greatly. I thank God for his love for me, for us, EVERY DAY! He never ceases to amaze me. 🙂

Eva S.
Eva S.
5 years ago
Reply to  Joie Pirkey

Hi Joie, I Googled why do I keep seeing Lions, because I had personal prayer over me at church about 1 month ago. The 2 ladies knew nothing about me, nor did I say anything, and she said that God showed her that I am a Lion, not a Lioness but a Lion, and ever since, I see Lions every day. My 29 yr old son, Nikolaus was murdered 7months ago in Newport, Oregon. Still unsolved as he was dumped at the beach. Of course I feel like a caged animal, losing my patience to wait for them to find the killers. And my 2 older adult children and I are all in terrible grief, so maybe it means nothing??

Andrew Dutton
Andrew Dutton
7 years ago

I googled “visions of the Lion of the tribe of Judah”, I’m so happy that I’ve found that other’s have seen what I’ve seen. Regularly when worshiping and Praying I see His lion eyes, I also see a smile. I’ve also seen white robes placed over each person I’ve Prayed for. I/we should recognise that the gift of visions we have been given is a sign we have been chosen and is a divine blessing. May God Bless you ALL in the Magnificent Name of Jesus, Amen. Andy Dutton, Walsall, England.

6 years ago

Andy~ Thanks for sharing. I believe that the Lord is giving visions like these to numerous people. To share them helps the Body be encouraged but also to combine the revelations and see more clearly things about the Lord that He want us to see.

Katrina Anderson
Katrina Anderson
6 years ago

I had a vision of a face of a lion when I was in prayer time,He was in the sky and he was roaring,I didn’t feel scared I actually felt happy and excited,He turned his head and roared again I just smiled and felt very happy.

6 years ago

This is amazing. I had an experence where the face of a lion came walking toward me and saying nothing but touched his face to mine. I wasnt scared but at peace and my body physically reacted also. Except I couldnt move and my chin quivered…. I also asked to see his face. This is amazing.

4 years ago

Hi I was looking up visions of lions and I saw this post. I have had 2 in counters with lions. 1st, I was a vision I was walking among lions and people as I was coming out of the gate the lion licked me on the back of the neck and I felt it. I was not scared. This morning after reading a chapter in the bible then praying. I laid down I saw 2 wounded lion walk up beside me and I touched them one by one and they was healed.

4 years ago

When I was about 4 or 5 years old I was in the kitchen with my mother or grand mother. I don’t remember which one. But I do remember looking up out of the kitchen window and seeing a huge majestic lion in the sky. That was 60 years ago. I don’t remember what I felt just what I saw. The lion was huge and was lying down flat on the ground like the Sphinx. It was beautiful and majestic and had a very peaceful countenance. I’ve been thinking about that a lot lately and I’m not sure what it means but I’ve never forgotten what I saw.

Saby Jimenez
Saby Jimenez
3 years ago

Thank you for this experience. Today while I was fellowshipping and worshipping. The spirit of the Lord was upon me. He moved me and I spoke in tongues. While in this state I saw the face of a lion. He stared at me intently and I fell flat on my bottom. I have a fear of cats. It was odd. I did not fear. I was energized and full of strength. I was excited to the point that I thought I would have an asthma attack. His eyes were locked with mine. I felt His power and sovereignty. I still don’t know why He presented Himself to me. I am blessed to have read your vision and experience. Many of the details I can identify with, but He did not speak to me. I’ll know when He’s ready to reveal why He presented Himself to me. I’ve been asking Him that I want the tip of his fingers to touch mine and I’ll be healed. Every day I raise my hand and ask Him this petition. I’m blessed to have seen this vision of the face of The Lion of the Tribe of Judah (Jesus Christ). I will continue to pray for His interpretation.

Please delete my first post.

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