Our eldest son, Zeb was asked to be in the Bridal Party for a wedding he was attending in Uganda this past week. In these traditional ceremonies the wedding party wears traditional Rwandan clothes.
The part of the two-day ceremony that is pictured here is called Gukwa.
This is the part of the wedding where the dowry is bein g paid. According to Rwandese tradition, the dowry is strictly paid in cows.
The bride is brought in an elaborate procession to the groom’s family by women carrying gourds of milk. The milk is a gift for the groom’s family, to quench their thirst after a long negotiation. The procession is very colorful, with four men armed with spears guarding the bride, as you see Zeb doing here, and traditional dancers sing and dance as the proceed.
Zeb has been adapting better than any of us, not only learning the culture but diving right in and being a part of it! When he was gone for over a week and sent home three pictures like this we were like happily shocked!
What’s next Zeb? lol

Zebbie..you look so skinny here!!!!! Was it fun, are you enjoying your new friends? What are they like, give me the low down!!, was that corky to say!!!,hahahahah..I miss you!!!! What’s left of you!:)