My Move to Africa by Elias Pirkey

"The Move to Africa"

     written by Elias Pirkey

May 2011 Rwanda 096In my life I have been to 15 states, 2 countries and one continent, until now. When I moved to Africa I noticed many different things, the people, food, transportation, and just the culture itself was all completely different. Sometimes I find myself just standing out on our balcony looking out onto the hills. Everything is so interesting, new, exciting, and I love it.

One of the first things I couldn’t help but notice was the people. They are super friendly, most of the time and very helpful. When I walk down the streets of Kigali I always think this” if all these people had cars it would be so crazy!” because, first everybody that does have a car here drive like madmen, second the people don’t really care if people are in the road or not.

Another thing I found interesting was the taxi mottos. Those things are awesome! Taxi mottos, for those who don’t know are either mopeds or motor cycles that drive around and ask people if they need a ride and if you do you tell them where you’re going and how much it costs then you hop on and go for a quick ride to your destination. I love taxi mottos and I actually prefer them over the mini buss or taxi.

brendas 129Ok the food here is like eating little chunks of heaven. All of the fruit is fresh and juicy, and the rice and beans aren’t like U.S. rice and beans. The rice is very good but the beans are the best because of their smoky flavor and smooth texture. Maybe I’ll go have some right now.

Science I moved to Africa I have been in 15 states, 4 countries and 3 of the seven continents. I love it here and would like all of my aunts, uncles and cousins to come here and share the experience.


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13 years ago

Elias you are so awesome! And I love the beans too! 🙂

13 years ago

ahhhh this just made me miss you like 1000000000 times more than i already do! dude, you’re really good at writing?? keep doing it on here too because I like to hear what you’re up to. I want to go eat some rice and beans. in fact, maybe ill go have some right now.. hahahah. YOU’RE SO AWESOME ELIAS. (had to say that just for you) 😉 I’m so glad to hear you’re doing good. Love ya, and miss ya sooooo much! o, and hey, ill be there. 🙂

for the rest of the blog…

I miss you all so much! I forgot about this blog, and when I came here and read it, everytime i read a new one i was like.. yep thats the pirkeys for you. haha. i can’t even tel you how much I miss you, and when I think about you all in rwanda, it makes me happy and laugh all at the same time. I MISS YOU GUYS!!!! alright, now go eat some frits for me? love ya, talk to you soon. 🙂


13 years ago
Reply to  Ashley

hey, its elias “THATS AWESOME!!!”

13 years ago

ok woah. how did i get the random sweet picture next to my name?

13 years ago

I gave everyone a random avatar who didn’t make one for themselves just to be funny. You are a space alien…heheheh I mean beep beeep

Lisa Posegate
Lisa Posegate
13 years ago

Elias, I didn’t know you were such a talented writer! You should get on the blog more often.

13 years ago

That was thefunniest n cutest thing I have ever read !!! U r an amazing n wonderful writer with lots uf knowledge n wisdom!!! Good job !!

Douglas Pirkey
Douglas Pirkey
13 years ago

Very proud of your ability to write so expressively. What a special boy you are. Keep writing and reading.

Douglas Pirkey
Douglas Pirkey
1 year ago

What a well spoken, interesting young man Fred was then. He loved an adventure about as much as we loved him. Love you, Fred!!

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