Excerpts from 2001 Headship Prophecies

Given 2001

There were a series of dreams and visions regarding specific churches in the Fox Valley that began shortly after the Jesus in the Woods dream.  Those prophetic messages are written up and well documented.  I am not free to hand some of them out at this time; however, through those messages ran themes that are directed to the Fox Valley churches as well.

Here is a brief note on each:

“If God is not allowed to be the head of the house, the house shall be removed from the presence of God.  The Spirit will be bound from them and the devil will be loosed.  If the house will repent and allow God to be the head, the Spirit will be loosed on them and the devil will be bound.”

“God is calling individuals out to begin a new work, specifically with the youth, specifically fellowshipping in homes, and creating will be done in these services, both creative worship (emphasis on music) and creative arts.”  Some of this creative music and creative art work will be prophetic.  All of it will be used to edify the body.

This movement will grow quickly and will have an emphasis in authentic manifestations of the gifts of the Spirit with obvious effects on not only the body of Christ but on the unsaved as well.  Great giving will occur.


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