Part II: Response to Investigation of Sexual Abuse
Grace Report Video II. IV. Assessment of Behavioral Misconduct and Emotional Abuse Allegations Against Bill Lenz In this second video, I cover the toxic culture
Grace Report Video II. IV. Assessment of Behavioral Misconduct and Emotional Abuse Allegations Against Bill Lenz In this second video, I cover the toxic culture
GRACE Report Section: Assessment of Sexual Misconduct Allegations Against Dave VandeHey Part I of IV: Dave VandeHey After being directed by the Lord to remain
“Lenhart’s theological teaching (in the book “Modeling God” by John Lenhart) fundamentally denies core tenants of the Christian faith. Similar to other “quasi-Christian” theological offerings such as Mormonism or ancient Gnosticism, Lenhart’s theology presents a fundamentally different god than the God of the Bible, and offers a completely non-Biblical theological perspective for sin and God’s gift of salvation. As such “Modeling God” must be placed outside the bounds of what is considered fundamentally “Christian.”
In May of 2022, I posted an article entitled, “My Personal Abuse Story in the Church”. In response, Christ the Rock Community Church hired G.R.A.C.E. (Godly Response to Abuse in the Christian Environment) to investigate the allegations.
Here is the final Report.
In 2000, Joie Pirkey had two massive heart attacks that left permanent damage to her heart. After extensive testing at Mayo Clinic in Rochester, MN she was told to go home and get her affairs in order. But then she had a vision…
The Discernment Process Finally Begins Part 4 covers the actual process taken by the CCV Elders as they make their way through the prophecies. Interviews
Part 3 The Timeline The Elders at CCV had asked me to jot down a quick general timeline to use as they attempted to understand
Santa Ana Winds In Part 2 of the CtR files, I am not sure why the documents are in the order that they are, but
Years after the investigation by church Elders, their set of private files was given to me. These files contained never-published documentation that were compiled into what I call the “Blue Book”.
Late July 2006 Vision End of July 2006 (Last Sunday Randy was in a CCV service) I saw in a vision, what the Lord said
Elders of the Citadel Crash This is a prophecy from 2014 that I was discussing with members of Wellspring at the Cross Church. I will
Breaking the Systemic Sin of Sexual Abuse in the Church rejecting the silence that keeps it protected.
Created to Create Last Sunday I preached a sermon titled “Created to Create”. The main message was that we were created to build the Kingdom
Business Missionaries After coming home in 2012 from doing missions work in Rwanda, Africa, we were praying about what the Lord had next for us.
Open letter to Pastor Episcopo of Appleton Alliance Church in Appleton regarding his influence in bringing LGBTQ+ teenagers into Rawhide Boys Ranch.
The church is being unmoored from scripture. Both in churches and Christian organizations the spirit of the age is pulling down truth after truth. This is called deconstructionism and it’s seeping into the church.
Letter to Pastor Episcopo regarding his stance and practices bringing lgbtq+ teenagers into the Rawhide Boys Ranch ministry.
Executive Director of Rawhide, Alan Loux, has redirected the ministry to a shockingly nonbiblical trajectory.
The entire night was a struggle because I kept having the exact same disconcerting dream. I was trying to avoid remembering it and after the
Corruption being allowed, hidden, and lied about in the Assemblies of God. Follow the money and follow Brad Liebe.
The idea came from a vision, and through Craig Doriot’s obedience, the tech start-up dodles emerged.
Review on Amazon about “Modeling God” written by John G. Lenhart. This is the book that explains in detail the heresy of Modeletics that I
Prophecy about Saint Louis and the gates: Go through, go through the gates, prepare the way for the people; build up, build up the highway, clear it of stones,
Open Letter to the leaders and Body of Cornerstone Church in Menasha, 15 June 2014 In 2001 the Lord had, through a vision, given me
A dream from Pastor Tim Snell regarding the split of Christ’s Church of the Valley in Appleton.
People keep asking me about these red moons because I had a vision about 4 red moons rising on December 10th 2009. There were quite
I was in a large house near the water. People were milling about between the house and the river. The house was large and as