CCV Elders’ Resolve to Support Prophetic Gifting of Joie Pirkey
We can verify that Joie knew details before they happened and that there was no human way for her to have this information.

The CCV Elders’ Discernment Process Related to Joie Pirkey

Our Conclusions

The Process of Discernment:

  1. We can verify that in the process of our discernment, we did:
    • Extensive prayer.
    • Extensive Bible study on prophecy and its discernment.
    • We looked over significant amounts of personal correspondence between Joie and the Lenz family. (Joie had been a close friend of the family for years.)
    • We heard testimony from over 20 people related to Joie’s gifting and her CTR prophecy.
    • Some of these people believed the prophecy. Some didn’t. Some were either unaware of the prophecy or unsure of what to make of it.
    • These people included current and former elders and leaders at CTR, current and former staff of CTR, friends and family of Joie, and people who had been told of Joie’s prophecy beforehand.
    • This process has taken over 1½ years.
  2. We can say that this process of discernment about the CTR prophecy was entered into at CTR’s request. They asked us to discern Joie’s prophecy about CTR and come to a conclusion.

Out of This Discernment Process, We Came to These Conclusions About the CTR Prophecy:

  1. We can verify that Joie knew details before they happened and that there was no human way for her to have this information. These details were contained in her prophecy. We are convinced that she received this by revelation.
  2. Multiple sources have told us they have observed portions of the prophecy coming to pass as foretold.
  3. We are unable to verify any conclusive inaccuracies in the CTR prophecy itself.  We did find some inaccuracies in the document, but these all were in sections of commentary and descriptions of events – not the sections that were prophetic in nature.  Now, we recognize that there are things that have not yet come to pass in the sections that dealt with the prophecy.  There are also things that we are unable to verify.  However that is often the case when dealing with prophetic words.  In the end, the substantial nature of the prophecy is too significant to ignore.
  4. The core message of the prophecy was a call of repentance to key leaders at CTR.  The specific spiritual issue the prophecy addressed is significant and substantive in nature.  We find the core message of this prophecy to be true.  As such, we encourage the leadership of CTR to carefully seek the Lord regarding this issue.
  5. We can verify that Joie was not the only one who received this type of message. Multiple people, who have no connection to Joie and attend CTR, some of whom are close to the inner circle of CTR’s leadership, also received similar words about CTR. These people believed their messages to be from the Lord. These words included calls to repentance, and prophecies of judgment on CTR if repentance didn’t happen. These words were delivered to the CTR leadership.
  6. We can verify that the leadership of CTR rejected these words and prophecies, including Joie’s. They do not believe them to be from the Lord. We know of no messages to CTR that they consider prophetic on these issues.
  7. We believe that CTR is not unlike ourselves. Our conclusions do not arise out of any agenda. Indeed, as we prayerfully contemplated the message, we found the Lord touching our own hearts as well. Further, we found that all the people we dealt with at CTR love the Lord and were open and sincere with us. We consider them family in Christ and love them dearly.
  8. There are portions of the message where we do not have clarity. The prophecy speaks of a final judgment on CTR. Our year and a half of studying this has not brought us to a clear conclusion on this matter. However we do know God’s judgment is a serious matter, not to be dismissed. We also know that God is gracious and merciful.
  9. We know CTR felt hurt by both the message and how it was delivered. However, we recognize a core message that still stands. In the end, we urge the elders and leaders of CTR to prayerfully reconsider the message of these prophecies and seek the Lord’s face for His will. Our prayers are for them in this process. May God continue to be glorified as He continues to lead and guide all of us in His body here in the Fox Cities into the full measure of His will.

Our Conclusions About the Broader Nature of Joie’s Gifting:

  1. As a part of our discernment we also looked at the nature of Joie’s broader gifting.
    • During this process, we looked at numerous other prophecies Joie has given over the years. We have heard multiple people testify that these were known beforehand and came to pass exactly as foretold. Even within our own eldership, some can bear witness to various prophecies that were known beforehand and came to pass.
    • We can verify that we see the character and hand of God in many of the prophecies we looked at.
  2. After this extensive discernment process, it is our unanimous conclusion that Joie’s gift of prophecy is authentic and of the Lord.
  3. All of us as believers are capable of mistakes in using our spiritual gifts. Our spiritual gifts are indeed treasures we possess in jars of clay. We are working with Joie as she continues to grow in the Lord and in the mature use of her gift. We know Joie has a heart for the Lord and desires to serve and honor Him.
  4. We look forward to what God will birth through Joie’s gift as it is used in our body. God has given this gift to Joie and to our body for a specific reason, and we long to see it brought to its place of fullness so that God’s plan is carried forward.
  5. While Joie’s gift is significant, it is critical that we say that every gift…and every person’s gift… is also important to what God will do in and through us. We long to see the spiritual gifts of each member of our body nurtured and exercised in love so that together the church’s ministry is carried forward to the glory of God.
  6. Even though we now share these conclusions, we encourage every member of the body to use their God-given discernment for everything they hear, including prophecy. Discernment is an ongoing process and is the responsibility of the entire body. We as your elders need and welcome the discernment the Lord gives you.

Yours In Christ,
The CCV Eldership:
Tim Snell
Jon Goodman
Tony Clementi
Tom Buxton

NEXT: Another Prophecy for Christ the Rock


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