Short Version Of Healing Testimony
This is a short audio clip of Joie and Douglas Pirkey sharing their testimony at Faith Community Church in Racine, WI. It’s a great high-level overview of the healing testimony and a good example of Joie’s speaking style.
Complete Healing Testimony and Vision
This is the complete testimony given of the healing and vision that changed the trajectory of Joie Pirkey’s life, recorded on the 20th anniversary. This healing was verified by Mayo Clinic in Rochester, MN.
Pastor Dave and Prophet Amanda Grace on His Glory TV Network interview Joie Pirkey about the vision she had while being healed from life-altering heart damage. The segment was one of the most viewed interviews on Window into the Supernatural.
Joie's Healing Testimony in Publications
Joie’s healing testimony was reported in the Appleton Post-Crescent and also in the book, “Coincidence or Godincidence”, by author Steve Rose.