Intercessory Prayer for the Millennialists!

Millennialists turn home! God has been bringing a number of prophecies back to mind and has asked me to set a series of meetings and speak about them. Here is the next one. Be watching for a date in July. I will be posting this on my blog as well.

On October 2nd 2006, late in the afternoon, I had a vision. It began in darkness and then a small opening appeared pretty far away. There was a man standing in front of the opening and I could see a sea behind him. I could clearly see the insignificant size waves behind him. He moved forward and said in an audible voice,
“To the third person,” just in front of me appeared a person and I think the person was me. He, the angel or man, was addressing me as the third person. He then said in a stern voice,
“Tell the Millennialists to pound out a garden with green grass (where I can stand)”. I didn’t hear the ‘where I can stand’ part audibly but somehow knew he was saying it. Then He said,
“Then build a crevice in which I can pour greener grass and overflow.” In an instant it was over.
I didn’t have a bit of understanding. So I went to look up the word millennialists and the word pound. At that time I could find nothing on the word millennialists. But recently we found these definitions:
We’ve all heard talk about what BTD calls “the vaunted youth vote”, as we do every election, and we all know about Obama’s overwhelming support amongst college-age kids and folks who are often referred to as “millennialists.”

A second definition of “millennialists” is:
Generation Y, also known as The Millennial Generation, is a term used to describe the demographic cohort following Generation X. Its members are often referred to as “Millennials”[1] or “Echo Boomers”[2]) . There are no precise dates for when Gen Y begins and ends. Most commentators use dates from the early 1980s to early 1990s.
Pound: to strike heavily or repeatedly: to inculcate by insistent repetition: to work hard and continuously.
The next morning I was getting ready for the day when I heard the Lord say,
“No one is laying hands on the young people and praying”. I saw, in my minds eye, a teenage looking kid and three people praying hard laying their hands on him. Then the Lord said,
“Pound out a garden where I can stand.” I instantly knew that the pounding was prayer, intense serious warfare like prayer. I had a clear directive then to go and tell everyone who has any spiritual authority over young people that they were to:
begin laying hands on the youth and pray! Not one minister saying a time appropriate prayer, but anointed intercessors laying hands on these young people and going at it until they sense a release;
warring in the Spirit through prayer;
binding assignments from the enemy;
breaking off the agenda of the spirit of the age;
loosing the gifts of the Holy Spirit;
encouraging with the written word spoken over them with clear directives from the Spirit; praying in Spirit and Truth;
and then do it again and again, until the garden is prepared and overflow comes.


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15 years ago

This was sent to my inbox from Michelle. I thought it was important to share so I’ll post below:

“I was re-reading the below this morning and realized that I think the below came across as underplaying the older adults part in this. I believe the older adults do have a significant part and we are being focused right now on pounding out the garden.

But our point last night was not to miss the statement that said “Tell the Millinialists to pound out a garden…” because I think this is important. For example, is our initial focus supposed to be praying for (and laying hands on?) “The Millienialists” many of whom may then become among the anointed intercessors who then take an active part in pounding out the garden (i.e doing the things listed at the end of the last long paragraph in the 10-02-2006 vision for their generation and the younger generations):

“I had a clear directive then to go and tell everyone who has any spiritual authority over young people that they were to begin laying hands on the youth and pray! Not one minister saying a time appropriate prayer, but anointed intercessors laying hands on these young people and going at it until they sense a release; warring in the Spirit through prayer; binding assignments from the enemy; breaking off the agenda of the spirit of the age; loosing the gifts of the Holy Spirit; encouraging with the written word spoken over them with clear directives from the Spirit; praying in Spirit and Truth; and then do it again and again, until the garden is prepared and overflow comes.”

Some Millennialsists that came to our minds last night were: Ashley, Gabe, and Gloria

I hope this helps clarify things a bit better.


Emily Warigi
Emily Warigi
15 years ago

Hey…just wanted to say that I think this word is VERY VERY important….I know even just in my own life, in the past couple of months…but especially last month, God has been INTENSELY stirring up intercession in me for SOOO many things….especially world events and leaders (i.e. Iran election, North Korea, Mexico, Obama, Military, etc etc)…I was born in 1980…so I don’t know if I would be considered a “millennialist” or not, but I do know that prayer and the WORD is definitely being EMPHASIZED in MY life right now…more than EVER before!!!! Oh and an overwhelming sense of urgency to watch the “signs of the times” and stay in the spirit …to be ready for warfare anytime, anywhere!

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