Open Letter to Cornerstone Church, Menasha

Open Letter to the leaders and Body of Cornerstone Church in Menasha,

15 June 2014

mainimage4In 2001 the Lord had, through a vision, given me a prophetic message to the churches here in the Fox Valley.  This prophecy began to come to fruition with Kingsway Assemblies of God and their demise and will finish soon with Christ the Rock Community Church’s split.  These general prophecies had been given to Evangel’s then Pastor, Dick McDonald in 2003.  He received them and read them and only responded briefly.  There were also prophecies about a number of individual churches that I did not make public but I did give to those who the Lord instructed.  One such church was again Evangel/Cornerstone.  These prophecies assisted the Elder Board through the turmoil of removing Pastor McDonald. I believe this to be true because I had read in an email from Kathi Rose to Tim Snell that the prophecies they felt were accurate and helped them during that difficult time.

 I tell you all of this because what I have to prophecy to you now, goes along with those messages and still is a part of what God is wanting to do and is doing in the Fox Valley.

 As you can read in the original Fox Valley prophecies, God is recalibrating the Body of Christ under His headship.  For those who resist and insist on doing church in their own way, under their own headship, will be removed from the outpouring of His Spirit and will be bypassed.  For those who will repent, the Spirit of God will be loosed in their Body and an outpouring of His Spirit will take hold like we have not known in the Fox Valley history.  This outpouring will bring disenfranchised believers back into the churches, bring numerous young adults to Christ, increase corporate prayer seeking His headship, and will eventually reunite the body of Christ in the Fox Valley.  There is more that the Lord said specifically would happen and it has been posted on my web site for those who are interested.

The recalibrating to His headship that needs to occur by all of us, each member of the Body individually and corporately, to make us ready and able to handle this outpouring, is simply stated in the original Fax Valley Prophecies:

 “You are not allowing Jesus to be the Head of the church. The church is His House. You are putting people in to ministry that God is not putting into ministry. You are taking people out of ministry that God is calling into ministry. You are putting people out of the church that God is calling into the church. You are bringing people into the church that God is casting out of the church. If you repent of this the Holy Spirit will be loosed on the church and the enemy will be held back. If you do not repent the devil will be loosed on the church and the Holy Spirit will hold back.”

Sometime around December of 2013 the Lord began to speak to me about prophesying to the Leaders and Body at Cornerstone once again.  I resisted for a number of reasons, one being the conflict that I have had with Kathie Rose and took to Pastor Keiffer the previous year, but have wrestled with the Lord enough now and have heard very specifically from Him that to withhold a prophecy is to, in a significant way, stand between Him and His people. So today as other significant prophecies are being fulfilled, I can sense the importance of the timing and the unction of the Lord so I write to you in love for the Father and in love for you His Body~

doveTo the leadership at Cornerstone church:

You are not allowing Christ to be the head of your church. The way that that is manifesting is that you have put a person into leadership who God is not putting into leadership.

You are not hearing from Him about how to handle these difficult waters. You are handling them in your own default, your own armor, in the way in which you see either the best option or that which you precieve to be your only course of action, but you are not seeking God to the point of receiving an answer from Him and then allowing Him to direct you.  You are refusing to wait on Him.

 In the past you have lied about hearing from the Lord and you have lied against those who have heard from the Lord. This was done and allowed to be done in your own arrogance and complacency. At times completely unaware.

He does have a plan for you, a way for you, but you refuse and kick against the goads.

Repent and recalibrate to the headship of Christ and He will not only see you through, but will pour out His Spirit through what He designs.

You are in the most spiritually bloody part of the sieve that is pushing you through a plumb line that demands alignment to Christ and His headship.  If you do not repent of doing church in your own strength, in your own agenda, He will disengage from you and you will not be a part of the outpouring of His Spirit that is about to come to the Valley.  His intention is to have you in it.

Repent and allow Christ to be the Head of your church.  Seek Him for His way ~while laying down your own agendas, armor, fears and distrust.  Trust that His way is the best way regardless of not being able to see the outcome.

 There are those among you who are calling upon the Lord and He has heard them.

These days are very important because He is calling the Church to yield and be filled with His Spirit and He will not do this where men’s pride or fears reign.

I am in all sincerity and hope calling you to repent.

If you refuse to recalibrate to His headship of the church, He will remove you and many that you lead will be deeply spiritually wounded.  But if you do turn and repent, the outpouring that is upon us will fill your Body in a way that you have yet to experience.


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10 years ago

We here in Ohio are also hearing the call to come into alignment with the plumb-line of God. Christ is the head. We are the body. We need to stop walking around decapitated and begin to let his plumb-line attach us back to the headship of Christ and move our body according to the direction of the head by the power of the Holy Spirit.

9 years ago
Reply to  April

Amen. I hat church are you from? They are also hearing in Saint Louis!

8 years ago

Pastor Dick McDonald wasn’t removed from ministry. I was involved intimately in the situation. He resigned after his wife passed away. That isn’t to say there was not trouble in the church. Every church, like a couple in a relationship, has growth to go through and people make mistakes. But his was not removed. He went on to attend Evangel/Cornerstone for years after he resigned. So I am not sure that this prophecy is accurate. If anything, you should be careful what you write/post because bringing a false witness is ten commandments material right? Not to mention, legally speaking, libel could bring you trouble due to the fact that defamation of character can be proved especially if it is in written form.

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