Christ the Rock Prophecies Summarized
Jesus is the head of the Church. Those who will not allow Him to be the head will be removed. They will be removed for the purpose of preparation for the outpouring of the Holy Spirit that God intends to release here.

storm-clouds-chile_66705_600x450Beginning in August of 1998 God began to speak to me regarding what He was calling the “Dark Night” that would be released over the Fox Valley and the churches represented here. One specific portion of those prophecies addressed Christ the Rock Community Church. They are significant to the Body of Christ here in the Valley because they represent the underlying message that God is speaking to us all. Jesus is the head of the Church. Those who will not allow Him to be the head will be removed. They will be removed for the purpose of preparation for the outpouring of the Holy Spirit that God intends to release here. He is preparing the Church. Christ the Rock Community Church will be the last of many churches that will experience this cleaning up. When CTR splits it will be the sign that the “Dark Night” is about to end.

I have taken out much of the chronological content of the original document for ease of reading and clarity. Below is the basic message and what is prophesied to happen to CTR before the end of the “Dark Night”.

God gave me Ez. 2-6 and began to make it clear that He was calling me to prophesy to someone. I would have to shout the message that He was going to give from the “rooftops”.

I had a vision of seeing an eagle looking here and there as if it were waiting for something. Underneath it was a wolf. It too looked as if it were waiting only the wolf seemed to have mal intent.

Through a series of visions and dreams from the Lord, I received this message for Pastor Bill Lenz.

You are not allowing Jesus to be the Head of the church. The church is His House. 

You are not allowing Jesus to be the Head of the church. The church is His House. You are putting people into ministry that God is not putting into ministry. You are taking people out of ministry that God is calling into ministry. You are putting people out of the church that God is calling into the church. You are bringing people into the church that God is casting out of the church. If you repent of this the Holy Spirit will be loosed on the church and the enemy will be held back. If you do not repent the devil will be loosed on the church and the Holy Spirit will hold back.

I met with Pastor Bill Lenz and shared the message with him.

A short time later I had another vision of the wolf running across a wooded area. The Holy Spirit said, “The devil has been loosed”. Then He told me that the families would be attacked first.

One morning in the summer of 2001, I awoke praying for Julie Sampson and her family again. I was told to get up and call her. I was supposed to tell her that her family “would be delivered from the attacks on the families at Christ the Rock.” I was also told to tell Julie, to tell Greg, that “when he came and asked me the question I would answer him forthrightly.” I was told that Greg would ask some sort of question regarding the entire story of the prophecies for CTR. He also told me to have Tim Snell videotape him giving his side of what was happening. I was to tell Greg everything. I told Julie. We discussed only briefly what that meant.

I was also told that same morning, that five things would happen to Christ the Rock Community Church before the church would split five ways.

The families of the church would be attacked. Marriages would split. The children would be attacked. Not with sickness but with sin.

The second thing would be that the finances would be attacked. The sanctuary of the new building would never be built because of the lack of finances.

The third was that the Spirit of God would leave the church. I understood that the people attending of course, still had the Spirit of God in them, but that the spiritual authority given by God to the leadership of a local church was now gone.

The fourth thing was that the unity of the Pastoral staff would disintegrate. They would begin to feel disjointed and separated from each other.

The fifth would be that Greg Sampson would leave the church with a remnant of people.

Before Greg would actually leave he would come to me and ask the question. I would tell him the prophecies. Also I was to tell him about these five things.

(I had a dream then that before Greg actually leaves there was a meeting in which Bill announced to the church members that Greg was leaving. He said something to the effect that things are not a problem between Bill and himself and that this is in no way a split. Bill does not say that Greg has his blessing to leave. Greg did not have the blessing of Bill to leave. He then steps back from the podium and Greg steps forward. In the dream, there is a very large screen, like a TV screen to the right of the podium. A camera is filming this event. The camera zooms up to Bill’s face. Bill makes an expression that shows that he is truly not happy with Greg leaving. For some reason, when the people see this on the screen they get up and leave.)

After I sent the prophecies out to the members of CTR the leadership at my church went through a very thorough discernment process. Their conclusions are available under CCV Elders Resolve.



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