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Category: Global

Joie Pirkey
Prophecy for America

Vision on Saturday, Feb 21, 2009 I was taking some time on Saturday, February 21, 2009 to seek God and pray. During the prayer time

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Fox Valley
Joie Pirkey
Speak the Truth (Todd Bentley)

Lakeland Revival??? I am sure that many of you have heard about the Lakeland “Outpouring” in Florida, spearheaded by Todd Bentley of Fresh Fire Ministries

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Greece to CCV

I had asked Michelle, a friend of mine, who has been doing a lot of the documentation of the prophesies for me, if she would do

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The Eye for the Body

Reposted from Newsletter For the past two weeks, I have been asking God if He wanted me to begin to write short teachings about what

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I Have No Need of You

Given Early September of 2004 Vision: I was troubled about what was going to happen when I began to share with a local church what

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Big Wave Coming

Given Winter of 2003 I had a dream that I was in a park-like area with a friend of mine, Tim Stephani.  He said, “A

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Devil in the Church

Given Spring of 2002 Vision: I saw the stars and the dove.  He was flying out in front of me.  I saw a huge half

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St. Louis

Given Late 2001 Vision: I saw the Holy Spirit flying to the right of me.  He approached a city.  In the foreground was a large

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Elders Are Necessary

Given Early 2001 In the dream I walked into the gym where a local church meets.  The lighting was changed from a dull golden light

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Jesus in the Woods

Given Summer of 2001 Dream: I was in the chapel at Riverside Cemetery in Appleton.  There were windows on the south side and I could

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